Monday, January 09, 2006

300 000 today - 300 000 í dag!

Being broke at the start of the year, as you are, I aimed to be productive and sent off the paperwork to Iceland for a name change. Wasn't really expecting much, but got a lightning fast response saying that as my lawful abode and residence is stated as the UK, then my jurisdictional status is within the UK. So my name's still same old same old.

While I was at it I also consulted with the Student Funding System in Iceland to see if they'd lend me some money, and guess what, they really don't have a problem with it. We'll see how that goes..

I've also discovered a new pet hate question. It used to be 'aren't you gonna have some young'uns soon?' which I've started answering rather snappishly 'how do you know we haven't been trying and simply can't?' as I find the question incredibly rude, personal and nosy. Mum, don't worry though, I don't know one way or the other as to how our reproductional status is. Anyhow.

The new pet hate question is this. Upon learning that I reside permanently abroad, all Icelandic people ask me if it is because I'm studying! Cause clearly you can't be happy living elsewhere if you're not forced to by outside circumstance. Unsaid, but implied is that if I am studying then I'd bloody well better get back to Ancient Iceland as soon as I finish, thank you so much. Unbelievable snobbery for degrees in the country, could drive me barmy.

In other news, we're practically out of water. Our hot water boiler is acting up after a weekend of hardly any pressure on the cold water coming into the house.

And today is a proud day for Icelanders. As of 07:20 this morning, we number 300 000 for the first time in history.

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