Wednesday, August 06, 2008

What I did on my Holidays

OK. So this is what we've been up to:

I had my first induction days at college, which were very scary but great fun.

I did some more work in Guildford for the same company I worked for in June as they are so nice and keep hiring me.

I gardened but not enough.

We went on a one day road trip down to Poole and Swanage, which was very nice. There we saw our dream house in a dream location - unfortunately it is slightly (not so as you'd notice) out of our price range as it's £3 950 000. That's four MILLION poundarooneys.

We went to London to see some exhibits for my first school assignment, which I'm currently writing.

I painted the kitchen (overtly olive by dulux) although I am yet to paint the coving and the ceiling white.

We had my baby sister come visit with a friend.
- we took teenagers shopping
- we took teenagers to London, on the Millennium Eye, walking round & shopping
- we took teenagers out for lunch & shopping
- we took teenagers to Thorpe Park (thank bod, no more shopping!)

We went to a friends wedding and had a nice little catch up with friends in the usual sort of weddingy way, meeting people you haven't met since the last wedding.

We hired a landscaper who start work in a week.

We hired an electrician who starts work Monday.

We hired a fencing company (not en garde, it's enclosed garden - spot the difference) which will need to start work in September.

And today we celebrated our third wedding anniversary.

All good stuff. The more time I spend with Other Half, the more I realise just how cool and amazing he actually is, which is nice.