Right, so I may be a little more off-line than usual for me these days - the company I work for has installed an internet blocker / spy to prevent blogging, facebooking, yahooing and so on while at work. Now I don't mean to give the impression that all I do at work is surf the 'net, but I used to spend about 30 mins a day (my lunch break, which is invariably spent at my desk) catching up with my life.
So now I"m not catching up with my life as much and this is not making me happy.
My interview is now confirmed for Feb 27th and I'm trying to take the day off and the Monday / Tuesday before as well so that I can be as well prepared as possible for it. Boss and I are 'negotiating' this at the moment. Of course I don't think he realises that he can negotiate the time off or he can negotiate my resignation. Although it's unlikely to come to that...
The preceding week at work wil be week from hell with tradeshows and travel, but I've survived it before and no doubt will again. Must start looking at visas for Saudi Arabia if I'm gonna get those in time though.
A few people have spotted this blog and asked what I"m off to study and the answer is that I'm not ready to tell people that yet. We'll wait and see if I get in first. Fortunately (for me - sod the rest of you nosers) they say they'll let me know within approx 2 weeks of the interview.
So the left over bubbly in the fridge may finally get used - you never know. Mybe I'll open it to celebrate losing 14lbs.
I think Sam may want his own blog. He keeps sitting on my lap when I'm online, nosing the keyboard and seeming very happy.
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