I didn't realise I hadn't blogged since November. This isn't good as I'm supposed to be some sort of IT / Web wunderkind, if you listen to my fellow students. (I was going to say peers, but then wasn't sure. Surely I am peerless?)
Since November I have had my assessment - passed with flying colours, more flying than I ever thought. Which obviously made me very happy. However, since then I've really rather stuttered in terms of knowing what I'm doing and all that jazz.
We had a very nice Christmas, for the first time in our own house where I made magic turkey and all the trimmings required in two countries, coming up with a meal that served 4 for 3 days. It was a lot of food: I made turkey, gravy, bread sauce, cream of mushroom sauce, roast potatoes, glazed potatoes, proper stuffing (i.e. not OXO) roast parsnips, boiled carrots, cauliflower and broccoli, two different kinds of ice cream and hot chocolate sauce. Nobody got sick and nobody threw up from over-indulging either. So this may well turn into a tradition.
Then for NYE we went to the motherland, where the mother was suitably frustrating to deal with.
However, I also spent several hours with my gran, which was a hugely unexpected blessing as I had said my final goodbyes (I thought) in October.
NYE itself was fabulous, as usual. Although there was lots of food I couldn't eat much of it due to apples being omnipresent, but I did try some BBQ'd / grilled turkey, which was very very nice. Then I did the usual and stayed sober and drove people home, which has turned into something of a tradition.
I took lots of pictures on the night, but the light didn't lend itself to photography for the rest of it. We did go to two museums and saw this one really cool piece in Grofarhus, although the paintings as usual don't really speak to me unless as abstract as hell. Abstract expressionism and me - what a pair.
1 comment:
Hullo, ismarah-- glad to hear you had a good holiday--but I was sorry to hear that you've been ill! I'm grateful that you're out of the hospital and recovering-- take care of yourself! I always look forward to your visits on the blog!
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